About Us


Problem resolution is a fundamental pillar of the global legal system, and U.S.A.C. makes problem resolution fair, accessible and transparent to ALL involved.

The United States Arbitration Corporation (U.S.A.C.) is a regulated entity, organized under Title 29, Washington D.C. Business Organizations Act.

Since 2012, we and our affiliates have helped to resolve more than 60,000 client matters, nationwide and globally. Our automated systems have helped thousands more.

There is no problem we haven’t seen, in one form or another.

Our teams of professionals include more than 80 lawyers, accountants, statistics experts, database programmers, and others that work together to resolve your matter.

Solve problems. Let us do the work!

If you must “litigate”, arbitration is often faster, and easier. And when arbitration is not faster, we will aggressively litigate within the courts.

Normally for disputes, it’s NO WIN, NO FEE! For other matters you pay only if resolved the way YOU want it.

With U.S.A.C. you are certain of the best possible outcome. Contact us today


2001 M St NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA
72 Wall Street, New York NY 10005

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